We’re crushing hard on these Christmas desserts | Food | Woolworths SA

I’m always looking for a stunning dessert to serve this Christmas. Look no further. We have a trifle Chuckles. We have Chuckles cake. And we have…drum roll please, a Cascading Malva Milk Tart cake with delicious caramel sauce. Sigh. SERVING DIRECTIONS: For the Malva Milk Tart Cake: 1 Place the cooled cascade cake on a serving plate with a rim to hold the sauce (once poured over it). 2 Run a heated straight knife between the cake and the neck. Pour the sauce from the sachet over it and continue with the biscuit pieces. 3 For the big reveal, grab the top of the collar with one hand on each side and pull upward, allowing the sauce to run down the sides of the cake. Dig! For the Chuckles Smash Celebration Cake 1 Smash the chocolate dome using the back of a large spoon. 2 Using a serrated knife previously heated in lukewarm water, cut the cake with a light sawing motion, cut the cake into 4 large parallel slices. 3 Lay one slice flat on a serving plate and cut into 3 slices – this should give you 12 equal sized slices. (For 10 to 12 people) For the Chuckles trifle 1 Break the chocolate disk with a metal spoon. 2 Spoon portions of trifle into shallow bowls and serve. Appreciate!


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