🎄 Vegan Christmas Tartlets 🌟 | Easy & Festive Appetizers!

🎅✨ Flug these adorable vegan Christmas tartlets in no time! 🎄🍕 Cut the pizza dough into 6 mini-tartets, distributed with a rich tomato paste 🍅 and garnish with your favorite vegetables 🫑🥦. Cook to perfection for a cruelty -free vacation treatment that everyone will love! ❤️ Perfect for any festive gathering 🎉. Hello the healthy living family! 🌱 Thank you for being here, it means a lot for me! If this recipe made you want or make your cooking life easier, please press the “Like” button. Your support is my daily motivation. 🌿 And if you are not yet part of our culinary family, click to subscribe now so as not to miss the exclusive recipes that we have in reserve for you! 🚀 ✨🌟👉 Subscribe now for more delicious vegan recipes: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyliventhusiast?sub_Confirmation=1 I would like to know how your dish is revealed, so share your experience in the comments below. Let us continue to spread healthy and tasty vibrations! 🌿✨ ╔══════════════╗ ╟ Social networks ╚══════════════╝ ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╟ ╟ ╟ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthy.living.enthusiast ╟ 📘 📘 tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healthy.livingenthuast ╟ ╟ ╟: https://www.twitter.com/@rumyana_hle ╟ ✨ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/healthylingenthusiast/ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝ #veganchristamristartletlets, #festantAPetizers, #easyveganrecipes, #Holidayvibes, #veganap. #Pizzadoughtartletlets, #crueltyfreeterets, #tomatopaste, #colorfulveggies, #holidayparties, #Familynights, #quickapetizers, #veganfood, #christmasbaking, #veganholidyfood #healthyholidays, #vegansnack #HolidayCooking, #Foodinspo, #VeGanstarty, #veganfoodshare, #Christmaseats, #veganfestyle, #Meatlessmeals, #tartlets, #veganCoying,


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