6 Must Try Italian Christmas Treats
Italian Christmas treats are known for their delicious flavors and their regional diversity. Here are six of the best Italian Christmas treats: Panettone: Panettone is a traditional Italian Christmas bread from Milan. It is a soft and soft bread filled with candied fruit, citrus zest and sometimes nuts. Panettone is often appreciated with a glass of sparkling wine or sweet wine, like Moscato, during the holiday season. Pandoro: Another popular Italian Christmas bread, Pandoro comes from Verona. It is a golden -shaped gilded cake, soft and buttered. It is generally sprinkled with powdered sugar to represent the snowy peaks of the Italian Alps. #Italianchristmascookies Our website https://www.travelwith2ofus.com/ Socials: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelwith2ofus/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Travelwith2ofus Twitter: https://twwitter.com/travelwith2ofus Twitter: https: // Twiter https://www.pinterest.com/travelwith2ofus/ flipboard: https://flipboard.com/@travelwith2ofus linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerry-g-137762198/ Merch: https://bit.ly/46ap4dt hothels: https://www.travelwith2ofus.com/hotels/ gadgets https://bit.ly/insanegadgetw2us
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